Bewitched Cold Open "Mother!" Samantha called out into the empty air. There wasn't any response, so she called again. "What do you want? I was in the lead of the ostrich races in Dubai." "Did you win?" "No, that portly Dr. Bombay beat me out by a neck!" "Well, ostriches do have long necks." "That wasn't any reason for him to win. Why did you call me?" "I need someone to watch Tabatha. I have to go out." "Can't you take her?" "She's playing. She would prefer to stay. Besides, I know how much you love to spend time with her. I could call Uncle Arthur if you are too busy." "No, the race is over. I can watch her." "Great. I shouldn't be too long, maybe two or three hours." "I'll keep her entertained." "No witchcraft." "You asked me to watch her." "Not too much witchcraft then." "How much is too much?" "Just keep it down." Samantha walked out the door and into her car. Endora (Samantha's mother) made a face. She didn't know why her daughter would be driving when she could simply pop anywhere she wanted. She didn't even have to go at all, she would use her witchcraft to fetch anything she wanted. Act 1 Tabatha was in her playpen with several stuffed toys playing her own imaginary games. Tabatha was sitting down wearing a short red dress with puffed sleeves. Under the hem of the dress, Tabatha's white ruffled plastic panties were showing. It was clear there was a thick diaper under the plastic panties. On her feet, she wore white shoes with black soles and white socks. Her hair was tied with a pink bow. She was only two years old. Endora decided to use this opportunity to strengthen her granddaughter's witchcrafting skills. "Here Tabatha," Endora said as she showed Tabatha a stuffed elephant. "Change the pretty pink elephant into a pretty pink cow." "I don't like cows." "OK, change it into a pretty pink pig." "I don't like pink pigs." "What do you want to change it into?" "I like my elephant." "OK, I'll change it and you change it back then." A moment later, the elephant was changed into a plush pink cow with black spots. "Tabatha, change it back into an elephant!" Endora encouraged. "She will not!" Darrin exclaimed. He had entered the house through the front door unnoticed by Endora. "DADDY!" Tabatha squealed with glee at seeing her father. "Darwin, what are you doing here?" "I live here. And my name is Darrin." "I keep forgetting." "What are you doing?" "Grandmama is teacher her granddaughter." "In witchcraft?" "What else." "There will be no witchcraft in this house." 'You have to face facts; Tabatha is a witch. She needs to learn." "Says who?" "Says me." "This is my house and my daughter, and I say she doesn't need to learn any witchcraft." "She's a witch. You're handicapping her." "She is my child and she'll be treated like a mortal." "How dreary." "What do you mean, people have been..." "I mean how mundane." "I know what dreary means. As I was about to say, people have been doing it the mortal way for thousands of years." "Why do it that way if you don't have to?" "That's the way it is." "That is a childish attitude. Especially for Tabatha who isn't mortal. She's one of us." "Not while she's in this house." "You are being childish. How would you like to be treated like a child if you weren't one? She shouldn't be treated like a mortal if she isn't one. She's a WITCH!" "No, I want everyone to treat her like a plain, ordinary, two-year-old girl." "But she isn't one." "I don't care." "You would care if the shoe was on the other foot." "What do you mean by that?" "If people treated you like something you aren't." "What are you talking about." Endora ignored him. She started her incantation. "Toy and plush animals and the things that little girls do. Let everyone see Darrin as if he was a young girl of two." Colored smoke appeared. When the smoke cleared, Darrin found himself in Tabatha's playpen. "What did you do?" "Now, everyone will think of you as if you are an ordinary toddler." "That is crazy. I'm not a two-year-old." "As far as anyone is concerned you are." "This is ridiculous." "You're right. Who ever heard of a toddler wearing a suit." Endora flung her hands in a theatrical gesture. The six-foot-tall Darrin's apparel was changed into an exact copy of what Tabatha was wearing, from the bow in his hair to his red dress with puffed sleeves, to his white plastic panties and diaper underneath, and white shoes with black soles. "I'm not staying like this." "I think you'll find that all your apparel has been transformed into exact copies of what Tabatha wears. But if you want to wear another outfit, I guess that is OK." Darrin stepped out of the playpen and started to pull down his plastic panties when Larry (Darrin's boss at the ad agency) entered the house. "Dari, honey what are you doing?" Larry told him in a voice that was purposefully pitched higher than his normal speaking voice. The voice he uses for children, especially young girls. Darrin was immediately embarrassed at his boss seeing him dressed as he was. But he didn't have time to pull up his panties. His diaper was on full display to everyone. I knew I shouldn't let you come in here by yourself. Let's get those layouts and get out of here. We don't have time for you to change. I mean not unless you made a stinky." Apparently, even though Darrin's apparent age was two and his apparent gender was female, he still worked as an ad executive for Larry Tate. "A stinky? I didn't. I mean, I would never." "Great, let's get those layouts and get out of here. Where are they?" "In the den." "You wait here. I'll get them." Larry leaves the room giving Darrin and Endora some time to talk." "What's going on here?" "Everyone thinks of you as a toddler." "But I still work for Larry?" "Yeah, would you prefer if I leave you in daycare instead? You know with all the other ordinary toddlers?" "No, don't do that!" "OK, then Tabatha and I are off. There is lots for her to learn." "I don't mean that. I mean..." But before Darrin could finish his sentence, Endora and Tabatha had disappeared. "Where did Endora go?" "She had to fly." "OK, doesn't matter. Let me get you back to the office, we have to finish this layout for the Johnson Toy account." Larry had the layouts under his left arm. Larry then took Darrin's hand (who he now refers to as Dari) with his right hand. He lead him to the car. Darrin who arrived at the house in Larry's car in the front passenger seat, was now escorted to the back door where a child safety seat that could accommodate Darrin's height and weight was waiting. Larry put the papers on the top of the car before helping Darrin in. "I want to sit in the front." "I'm sorry honey, but you have to sit in the back. It's safer there. That's where little girls all have to sit." "I don't want to." "Dari, please. You know the client is coming today." "No, wait. I think I'm sick. I don't think I should go to work today." "When did this happen?" "All of a sudden." "No, I know you just don't want to. But you have to. Mr. Johnson expects those layouts." From across the street, Edna Kravitz was watching what was happening. "Abner, Dari is having a tantrum." "What's it your concern?" "I think putting a little girl to work is crazy." "What's so crazy, if she can do the work." "She's two. Doesn't that seem odd to you?" "It's modern times. Kids are growing up faster these days." "She isn't even in kindergarten yet." "You don't need kindergarten to draw pictures." "Awe look, Mr. Tate gave Dari a swat on his butt." "I wish I could give you a hard smack, and if I did, I wouldn't give you one on such a padded place as the butt," Abner retorted. "What did you say?" "Nothing. Just mind your business." The swat felt much harder to Darrin than he would have expected. It didn't cause any lasting damage, scar, or even a red mark, but Larry's point was clear. He allowed himself to be placed in the child safety seat and was strapped in. Larry closed the door, took the layouts off the roof, and put them in the front seat next to him. Then he got into the driver's side and drove to the office. Act 2 "Larry, this isn't right." "Honey, call me Uncle Larry." "OK, Uncle Larry. I'm not a little girl." "Yeah, you are my big girl. You are going to help me get the big account." "That isn't what I mean." "Oh." "I mean, I'm not supposed to be a little girl. I'm a grown man." "You're so silly." "I'm trying to be serious." "But you're so cute and silly. Hush now, we'll be at the office soon." Darrin couldn't convince Larry. He knew he couldn't. He would have to wait for Endora to make everything the way it's supposed to be. While Darrin was in the back seat, he took the time to think. Did Endora change him, or did she change everyone else? Did it really matter? Soon enough they were in the office parking lot. Darrin tried to get out of the chair restraint, but he couldn't. The chair was created in a way that made it impossible for him. Larry got out of his seat and walked around the car. He opened the door and let Darrin out. "Dari, ready to work?" "I guess so." "Great! I'm sure you will do a wonderful job." Larry was certainly acting nicer to Darrin than he had before. Larry took Darrin by the hand and escorted him into the office. The office building looked like it always had until they came to his work area. It looked like it was designed by a child. Darrin's desk was in the middle of the room. The desk was painted pink and the chair on the rollers was in a hot pink. On the table were many things. There were finger paints, crayons, pastels, plush animals, dolls, cups in decorative colors, dishes, and plants. The farthest wall was covered with cubby holes. Each cubby had its own theme of items. On the wall were childish works of art as well as ad campaigns from various clients. But they were all done with crayons and finger paints. There was a crudity about them that indicated they were made by a child not a grown man, although the concepts had a mature theme. In the corner was a playpen. It really wasn't a playpen; it was a pseudo-crib where Darrin would be expected to take periodic naps. "Margie, watch our little artist," Larry told Darrin's secretary. Margie usually waited outside his office, but today she would spend her time inside the office with him. "Sure thing." "Dari, here are your layouts. Just finish them up," Larry told him. "Yes, sir." "Uncle Larry." "Yes, Uncle Larry." When Darrin got the layouts on his table and unrolled them, he found that there was exactly the work he had started before, except they were done in crayon. Looking at the crayons Darrin possessed, he found that there were well over a hundred different colors. Larry exited the office. Darrin expected Margie to leave too but she didn't. Instead, she got closer. "Do you need to be changed?" "No." "Let me check anyway." When close enough to touch him, Darrin pushed her hand away. Margie gave him a stern look. Hey, that is no way to act!" she told him. "I don't need to be change." "So you say, but I have to check." "Don't yell at me. I have to check, and I'm going to!" There wasn't any use in arguing. He was already dressed in a diaper. What's the difference? "Wait, I don't think my wife would like it if you stick your finger...You know what I mean." "She won't like it if I let you stay all day in a wet diaper." "I'm not wet." "Then let me check." The standoff lasted over a minute, before, Margie just ignored Darrin's protest and checked his diaper by putting a finger inside his leg hole. There wasn't any way to prevent it. Not without knocking her down which he didn't want to do. "Hey, you're right. You're not wet. OK, you can get to work now," the smiling secretary told him. "Thank you." Darrin picked up the properly colored crayon. "Where are my colored pencils?" Darrin asked his secretary. "Honey, they're sharp. Use your crayons." "I want to use pencils." "I'm sorry. Look the crayons are just as good. They even come in more colors." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Unless you want to use your fingerpaints?" Darrin hadn't any other choice but to use the crayons. He started the finishing touches on his layout. Working got his mind off his predicament. Of course, every time he moved in his chair and felt the soft material of his diaper he was reminded again. "Can I call my wife?" "I'll call her." "Thank you." "She isn't home. I can't reach her," Margie informed him after the phone rang for a while. "Keep trying." "I think I should also check your diaper again." "It's fine." "Let me check." "OK," Darrin knew there wasn't any point in resisting. For the second time that day, Margie stuck her finger under the leg band of his diaper and plastic panties. "Still, dry! Want something to drink?" "Coffee." "You're so silly, Dari. I'll get you some juice." Margie walked over to a mini fridge in the corner and got Darrin apple juice. She poured it into a sippy cup and secured the lid. Darrin didn't know whether to take the lid off to drink or not. He was sure if he did, Margie would put it back on. Plus, with the lid, he wouldn't have to worry about spilling it onto his work. He had done so before even before the spell. Darrin knew everyone thought of him as a little girl, but that didn't mean that Endora had also changed him in some other way too. Better to be safe. Margie watched as Darrin worked, but she didn't bother him. He was free to be as creative as he liked, as long as he did it in crayons or finger paints. "Dari, nap time!" Margie announced. "I'm not tired, I want to finish this." "But still, it's time for your nap. You can finish it later." "I was in a groove." "You can be in a groove later. It's time for your nap." "What time is it?" "It's nap time!" Darrin continued to work, but Margie closed the blinds and turned out the lights making it impossible. Darrin realized that if he tried anything, it would only seem like a tantrum to Margie. It was embarrassing to have to go into the playpen and take a nap, but there wasn't anything he could really do about it. Not that he had to actually take a nap. Maybe he could just think about the layout and then complete the project when his nap time was over. They could make him lie down, but they couldn't make him sleep. Margie watched as Darrin put his head down and closed his eyes. "Sweet dreams Sweetie," she told him. Act 3 "OK, time to get to work," Margie told him when she thought enough nap time had occurred." "Great." "Let me see, are you wet?" "No, I'm not, but I do need to go to the bathroom." "You mean to potty?" "Yeah, that's it." "I'm sorry, but we don't have a potty for you here, only a big-person toilet." "That's fine." "You can't use them. It's only for big people. You need a potty." "No, I don't! I can do it." "I'm sorry Sweetie, but you can't. Just use your diaper and I'll change you." "I don't want you to change me. I want to use the toilet, I mean potty." Margie shook her head. "I'm sorry." "I can do it. I know how." "I know you're a big girl, but you aren't ready and if you were you have to use a little girl potty." "This is ridiculous I can do it. I know how!" "Not without a potty." "I don't want to mess my diaper when I can use the toilet." "Your not ready." "Let me try." "I can't." "Then go ask Larry or Samantha. They'll let me." "I'll call Mr. Tate." "Good." Margie gets on the phone and calls Larry's extension. "I'm sorry, but Mr. Tate agrees with me. I promise, I'll change you as soon as you are wet. You won't have to stay in a soggy diaper one minute more than you have to." "Just let me use the restroom." Margie shook her head. "No," she said quietly. Darrin wasn't going to wet his diaper if he could help it. He tried to put his need out of his mind and returned to work. "Can I talk to Samantha?" "OK, I'll see if she's home?" This time Samantha was home. "Sam, it's me, Darrin." "Hiya Honey, having a good day at work?" "One second." Then to Margie, "Can I talk to my wife in private?" Margie didn't find it strange that Darrin had a spouse despite believing that Darrin was only a toddler. "I guess. I'll wait right outside the door, call me when you are done." "OK." "Samantha, you aren't going to believe what your mother did to me?" "What?" "She made me two years old." "You are two." "No, I'm not. I'm a grown man. I mean, I still am a man, just everyone treats me like I'm two." "Don't be silly." "You think I'm a toddler?" "Yeah" "Like Tabatha?" "No, Tabatha is much older than you. He's an adult." "So you are married to a little girl and Tabatha is a grown man?" "Sure." "Does that make sense to you?" "Why shouldn't it?" "Because it's crazy. I'm telling you, Endora put a spell on me. You have to talk to her and fix it." "OK, I'll talk to Mother. I'll ask her what happened." "I told you what happened. You have to believe me." "I don't know." "You want to be married to a little girl?' "I love you!" "I love you too. But I'm not a little girl. I'm your husband and a grown man." "Let me call Mother and get back to you." Margie returns to the room. "Are you still dry?" "Yes." "Let me check." "Whatever." For the fourth time today, Margie stuck her finger into Darrin's diaper. "I'm dry, but are you sure I can't just go to the restroom?" "I'm sorry Sweetie, but I promise you I'll change you as soon as you're done." "Great," Darrin said sarcastically. Darrin got back to the layout and finished it. It looked pretty good to him even though it was drawn in crayons. Regardless, he was a professional and could produce a good product. "That's great. You know what? How would you like a treat for finishing on time? We have some ice cream." That actually sounded pretty good to Darrin. "OK." Margie got out some ice cream, put a small bowl in a dish, and have it to him with a plastic spoon. The ice cream was extremely frozen in the bowl. It was hard for Darrin to manage with the flimsy plastic spoon he was given. He tried to scoop the ice cream towards himself. But he pulled too hard. The ice cream flew into the air, over the side of the bowl and hit him in his lower chest, and then rolled down his dress. Darrin fetched it and put it back into the bowl. "Oh my, what did you do? You got your dress all messy." Margie stated as she shook her head. Larry Tate was just entering the room. Margie had informed him that the layout was completed. "It's nothing." "We are going to have to get you all cleaned up." "It's nothing." "But you have a meeting with the cMr. Johnson later. You can't see him like that," Larry reminded Darrin. "I guess we should cancel the meeting then." "No, it's important. Let's go and buy you a new dress." "No." "It'll be fun, and McMann and Tate will pay for it." "I don't want to." "We have little choice. We don't have time for you to go home. Not in the late-day traffic." Darrin's protests fell on deaf ears. he was led out of the office by Margie and taken to a department store to buy him 'a new pretty dress'. Act 4 When he was let out of the car, instead of letting him walk, Darrin was put into a large stroller. He was strapped in to prevent him from getting out and rolled into the store. Margie didn't consult him on what he wanted to wear. She looked over the childish dresses and selected some in his size. "Ooo look, do you want a nice hot pretzel?" "Sure." Margie bought Darrin a pretzel and gave him a juice box to keep him from fussing while they were shopping. Margie had a preference for short floral dresses with round necks and cutsie sleeves. She selected three smock dresses and one sundress. All the dresses were very short to allow his plastic panties to peek out underneath. "Shouldn't we get a longer dress?" "Naaa, this will make changing you easier." "I told you I can go to the restroom by myself." "That reminds me..." Margie reached into Darrin's leg band to ascertain if he was still dry. He couldn't protest, he was still strapped into the stroller. He was dry. But he really needed to go. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out. It was doubly embarrassing for his diaper to be checked while surrounded by strangers. "OK, Sweetie, let's try these on." Darrin was rolled into the women's changing room. There were several women already inside the room. "Awe, isn't she a cutie?" one of the women gushed as he rolled by. "I'm not a cutie!" "She's grumpy today. She got ice cream all over her dress," Margie explained. "I understand. She is cute though." "Thank you." Margie didn't feel the need to tell the woman that she wasn't Darrin's Mommy. Margie unfastened Darrin from the stroller and helped him out. Then she pulled the dress over his head, leaving him naked except for his plastic panties and shoes. "Let's see. How about this one?" Margie held up a blue dress with a pink flower design, short sleeves, and a smocked bodice. "I don't like it." "Let's try it on anyway. Lift your arms." "I don't like it." It only took a few seconds before Margie swatted his diapered butt and he had to comply. "That's nice. Let's try this other one." "Dari, oh, that is absolutely adorable!!!" Margie gushed. Darrin was dressed in a smooth cotton weave round neck blue floral with short, elasticized cuffs and ruffle trim at the yoke. "I don't think we have to try anymore." "OK." Darrin didn't care. He didn't want to wear any of them. "It's a pity, you can't wear this dress right out of the store, Sweetie. But I have to pay for it." "I really have to pee!" Darrin whined. "Are you wet?" "No, I have to go. Take me to the restroom!" "I'm sorry Sweetie, but you can't use the big girl potty. You aren't ready." Margie believed that Dari would get the seat all wet because she didn't know what to do. That was problematic at the office, but in public, she wasn't going to let that happen. "You can go now. Your dipee will stop all leaks." Margie returned Darrin to the stroller and pushed him through the store to the checkout. On the way out, Margie grabbed a pair of white tights that matched his dress. Both the dress and the tights were paid for at the same time. Darrin didn't let it all out, but he had little choice but to let a little bit of pee into his diaper as soon as he stood up to transfer from the stroller to the car. Darrin, strapped in his safety seat, headed back towards the office. He needed to pee although he had wet a little. Still, he held most of it in. But, as they drove, it started to rain. The sound of water hitting the windshield echoed throughout the car. Every drop increased Darrin's distress. He needed to potty more and more. "I shouldn't have had the juice box," Darrin muttered. In the storm, the traffic slowed to a crawl. Finally, he couldn't hold it anymore. He let his bladder loose, sighing with relief. The warm liquid filled his diaper and warmed his crotch. It was embarrassing. He hadn't wet himself in well over two decades. "Margie, when we get back, you won't have to check my diaper. I know it's wet." "OK." "I can change myself." "What a big girl you are. But I'll do it." "I know how. I am your boss you know." "Don't be embarrassed. I've changed you before. I'll do it again. I can't do it now. But, when we get to the office, I'll dress you in your new dress and get you ready for the meeting." Act 5 Back at the office, as Darrin walked in the rain, holding Margie's hand, he could feel the squish of his wet diaper under his plastic panties. He knew that in a few minutes, his secretary was going to see him completely naked and change him into a new diaper. She would probably use a wipe to wash his genitals too. There wasn't anything he could do but take it. "Margie, can I call my wife before you change me?" Darrin thought that if Samantha had talked to Endora she could save him the embarrassment of being changed like a toddler by his secretary. "It would be better if I change you now. I'll call Samantha when we are done." "No! now!" "Don't take that tone with me!" Margie was starting to get frustrated with Dari's attitude. She had been grumpy all day. "I'm sorry, but I want to talk to her." "As soon as you're changed, I'll call her for you." "But..." Darrin was cut off by a stare. He knew he was taller and stronger than her, but he didn't know what would happen if he really resisted. "Look, I think I should change myself." "Sweetie, I'm sorry. I have to do it." "But, why. I'm capable. It's not that hard." "I know you think you can. I'll do it. I don't want your diaper to fall off because you didn't put it on right." "Maybe we can do it later. Please let me call Samantha." "After your diaper is changed. I promise." "Come with me." "No." Margie had had it, she grabbed him by the hand and gave him a hard spank on his soggy diaper. "I didn't want to do that, but you have to let me change you!" Defeated, he had to let her change him. He knew he didn't have anyone who would stick up for him. They all thought he was a toddler. Darrin was led to the changing table in the corner of his office. Margie pulled off his stained dress and then pulled down his plastic panties. Dressed only in a diaper and socks, Darrin sat on the changing table. Margie unfastened the diaper and pulled it off his body. He was totally exposed for the world to see. His penis was out in the open. Despite that, Margie still thought that he was a girl. The first thing Margie did was use some wipes to clean his crotch area. She did it quickly and efficiently. She knew that Darrin was embarrassed but she didn't know why. Once the area was clean, she unfolded the diaper and placed it under Dari's butt. She pulled it into place, sprinkled a little baby powder, and fastened it closed. Before letting Darrin up, Margie pulled off his socks. Then she produced a pair of white tights. "What's that for?" "So you'll be all pretty for your meeting," Margie replied. "I'm going to get you all dressed up now. Once we are done, I'll call Samantha for you." Darrin had already been humiliated. Dressing him in tights didn't seem to make much of a difference. Margie snaked the tights up Darrin's legs and then into place over the diaper. She replaced the plastic panties over them and then had him stand up. "Raise your arms," she told him. Darrin did as she requested and the new dress was draped over his body. It was as short as the former one. His diapered butt could clearly be seen. Finally, she put black Mary Janes on his feet and replaced the bow in his hair with one that would match his new dress. "There you are, pretty as a picture! You'll be the prettiest little girl at the meeting," she gushed. "OK, can I call Samantha now?" "I'll call her. Just wait here." Larry waited until the diapering was complete before entering the office. "I saw your layouts, they're wonderful! Mr. Johnson will love them!" Darrin had to admit, despite being drawn in crayon, the layouts were very good. But that wasn't his concern. he had spent several hours with everyone treating him like a little girl. "Dari, Samantha is on the phone," Margie called out. "Can I talk to her alone?" Darrin asked Larry. "OK, but hurry. mR. Johnson will be here any minute." "Did you talk to Endora?" "Yes, she says she doesn't know anything about it. She says she never changed you." "She's lying to you. She did this to me." Endora wasn't lying. She didn't change Darrin at all. he looked the same as he always had. It's just that everyone else believed he was a toddler now. ? "She said Witch's Honor. I believe her." "You believe her?" "Yes." "So, you married a little girl?" "How could I resist? You were so cute!" "This doesn't make sense. If I'm a little girl, how is it possible we are married?" "I'm not going to explain it to you." "Dari, Sweetie, get off the phone. Mr. Johnson is here," Margie told him. "I have to go; I have a meeting." "Bye, Honey." "Bye, Samantha." Mr. Johnson and Larry entered Darrin's office. Mr. Johnson was looking over the layouts. "These are the originals done in crayon. When we give you the final layout, we'll have our copyrighter do them in inks." "I love them! I was skeptical at first. But Mr. Tate was right. Having a little girl do the ads for a toy company was a natural." "Thank you, Mr. Johnson," was all that Darrin could say. "Yes, our Dari is very talented," Larry agreed. "Dari has a great feel for many of our clients. She is truly a genius. She isn't even three years old yet." Larry and Mr. Johnson exited the room. The door magically closed by itself. The entire room decor reverted to its normal state. A moment later, Samantha popped in, giggling. "I just had to see it." "You believe me now?" "Yeah, Mother fessed up. She removed the spell." "Then why aren't I in my regular clothes." "All your clothes are back to normal, but these were just bought for you. And my, don't you look adorable!" "I feel ridiculous." "OK, I'll fix that." As Samantha was just about to replace Darrin's apparel with his ordinary business suit. Margie walked in. It was the end of the day, and she was about to tell him she was going home. She caught a glimpse of Darrin dressed as a toddler. She didn't remember buying him the outfit or changing his diaper. She was shocked for a second. Then his apparel changed to a suit. She convinced herself that she didn't see her boss in a little girl dress and tights. "Oh, Samantha," she said trying to change the subject that she hadn't truly started. "I didn't know you were here." "Darrin and I are going out this evening." "I see." Then to Darrin, "Mr. Stevens I'll be leaving for the evening, do you need anything?" "No Margie, you have done enough for today. I'll see you tomorrow." "Good evening." "Good evening." Margie left the room trying to forget what she thought she saw. "You know, you were really adorable in that dress. Margie has good taste in baby apparel. I should go out shopping with her for some things for Tabatha. "Don't joke. You don't know how humiliating it was..." Darrin was going to continue "when she diapered me," But decided not to mention it ever again. End. |