The Joanny Saga

The Joanny Saga

Joanny Morales was waiting for the bell to ring, ending her day at school. Joanny wasn't really paying attention to the teacher, she was mostly trying to talk with her friend in class and when she couldn't get away with that she was passing notes. She is fifteen years old and a little bit overweight, but she is not fat. She is big boned and there is only so thin she could get without looking sick, but she didn't worry about her weight anyway. She doesn't have many friends, but she doesn't have any enemies either, not even the teachers whose class she disrupts with her constant talking hated her. She mostly had pseudo friends (people she hung out with) and acquaintances (the friends of the people who hung out with her.) Joanny style is simple. It is jeans and a T- shirt. Sometimes she wore some lipstick and occasionally her eyelids had color, but not too often. Rarely could you find her in a dress or a nice blouse. But she isn't a tomboy, she is simply a girl who prefers jeans and T-shirts.

Eventually, the bell rung and Joanny left school and walked home with her 'friends' talking about this and that. Today, like most days, she had to come straight home and do her chores. She didn't like doing them, she is lazy, but there wasn't any way to get out of it. She was always the first one home since her mom went back to work and the burden of the housework fell mostly upon her. Joanny's older sister, Margaretta, was going to graduate high school soon and needed money to go to college. So both Margaretta and Joanny's mother, Maria, got jobs to pay for the huge tuition bill that was coming. Before getting a job, Maria was a stay at home mom and did most of the housework. This made Joanny resentful of both her mother and her sister.

Joanny had to finish up the housework and finish it early because she had a date with her boyfriend tonight. Joanny and Todd had been dating for more than five weeks and she thought they were an exclusive couple. She set off to do whatever housework that needed to be done. Her chores took her into Margaretta's room, and she decided to try on a cute skirt and blouse she saw there. Even though Joanny usually wore jeans, she was still a girl and she did like looking good for her man.

It was while Joanny was admiring herself in a mirror in Margaretta's room that Joanny's eleven-year-old brother Terry, had arrived home. When he saw her wearing a skirt, he burst out laughing. He called her a girly- girl. He said she looked so pretty and other sarcastic terms meant to belittle her femininity. Except for his tone and whom he was mocking what he said would actually be complimentary. Joanny shut the door, took off her sister's things, threw them on her sister's bed and quickly redressed in her own clothes. Then she found Terry and gave him a tongue lashing.

Later, her entire family, her, Terry, Margaretta, Maria and her dad, Tomas, ate dinner together as they usually did. Joanny asked for permission to go out on her date and Tomas reminded her to be back by 10 P.M. Then Joanny asked Margaretta to borrow her clothes but Margaretta had said "No." This was mostly because of the way she found the clothes on her bed, but instead of explaining Margaretta just said "No they are my clothes and you can't have them. If you want nice things then buy them yourself." This steamed Joanny, she thought that Margaretta was acting like a two-year-old with her what's mine is mine and you can't have it attitude. Joanny got dressed the best that she could and went out on her date with Todd.

Joanny had a good time. They went out to eat and hang out and there was a little fooling around, which consisted of necking and touching but nothing too serious. The problem was that they lost track of time and when she got home at 11 her dad was waiting for her and before she could say anything she was grounded. That was the end of her day.

The next morning Dr. Zaaijer was looking for someone to bestow a gift upon. It had been several years since we last encountered Dr. Zaaijer. In that time, he had improved his instrumentation. The mind machine had been reduced to the size of a ring that could control the thoughts of anyone around. It also allowed the wearer to read mind of their victims and make any changes to their personality that the wearer wanted. Over the years, Dr. Zaaijer had used his instrumentation to make many changes in people, but after a while it lost it's fun. It was at this time, that Dr. Zaaijer decided to give his ring to a stranger and see what they did with it. He thought it could be interesting to watch what a novice would do with all that power. All Dr. Zaaijer had to do was find the right person.

Dr. Zaaijer could observe what happens without being seen by using his own ring that would make him unnoticeable to anyone around him. He could walk into the woman's locker room naked and no one would see a thing.

The next day on the way to school Joanny was given the power. Dr. Zaaijer had placed his mind machine ring onto her finger. She wasn't allowed to notice it, but she knew she now had as Dr. Zaaijer thought of it as "The Power of the Gods." She never knew where it came from. She didn't know if it was a gift from the gods, or from the devils or from aliens or wizards, but all of a sudden she knew in her head that she had the power. She now had the power to look into people's minds and make any changes she wanted. It could be something simple to something all consuming. Joanny was taking a shortcut through the park and there she saw a woman changing her baby in his stroller. Joanny needed an unmistakable test to check out her new powers and so she put into the woman's brain the desire to smell the diaper she had just removed from her infant. To Joanny's astonishment that is exactly what the woman did. She took the diaper that had once been on her baby. She put it to her nose and then took a deep inhale. Then she put it down and finished changing her baby.

Joanny was elated. It worked! Joanny now had a lot to think about before she got to school. But before she left the park, Joanny decided to make what she had done to the lady permanent. The lady needed to smell the diaper of every diaper she changed.

Dr. Zaaijer was happy too. He had found the right person to give the power. He was sure she would use her new power in all sorts of fun ways. Especially after Dr. Zaaijer removed all morals from Joanny's mind. Dr. Zaaijer followed Joanny to school. He would spend a lot of time with Joanny although nobody would notice him. When he wasn't around her, he would look into her mind to see what she had done.

Once Joanny got to school, she knew the first thing she should do was to visit the person who was in charge of entering grades into the school computer and the person who was in charge of maintaining the permanent paper records. As it turns out both of these people were women. Joanny had them change her grades to all A's. Then she caused these two women who had barely known each other to slowly fall in love. Bit by bit each day their love grew. Until by the end of the year, they were both divorced and abandoned their families to live together like a married couple.

But simply having her grades changed wasn't good enough. So when she saw Mr. Hollis she looked deep into his mind and told him to slip and fall and hit his head in a half hour and at that instant everything that he had learned since his first birthday was to be transferred to her head and he was never to learn anything again. A half an hour later, Mr. Hollis slipped and fell in the hall on cue. A moment later Mr. Hollis started crying like a baby. After he had soiled himself an ambulance was called immediately. Joanny wasn't totally heartless with Mr. Hollis, she made sure that his workman's comp and his social security payments were started as soon as governmentally possible. She also talked to his wife and made sure she was totally devoted to his infantile care for the rest of his life.

Later that day, Joanny saw Carolyn who was one of the smartest people in school. Joanny thought that Carolyn was arrogant because of her intelligence. Carolyn wasn't, it was just that Joanny had been secretly jealous. Joanny visited the records office people again. Joanny had Carolyn transferred to special ed where being the smartest of the special ed kids didn't really mean much. Carolyn's intelligence didn't drop, neither did her grades, but being in special ed for her entire public school career followed her around. The only jobs she ever got were those reserved for "special people." She was never allowed to achieve anything on her own and was always watched by "normal people" who made sure she didn't get hurt. The only change Joanny did to Carolyn's mind was simply not allowing her to complain about how people were treating her. Thus by changing the classes Carolyn was allowed to attend her entire life was both extremely controlled and extremely limited.

Eddie was in one of Joanny's classes. Eddie was an extremely shy nerdy boy who probably would never have a date. Certainly not while in high school. Joanny thought what the boy needed was some confidence and what better way to help him gain some than for him to have a secret admirer. A real girl coming on fast would drive him into his shell, but an admirer might help. So Joanny decided to give him one.

Mr. Richmond was teaching that class and that is whom Joanny decided should be Eddie's secret admirer. She put into Mr. Richmond's head that he had a crush on Eddie. She decided not to make Mr. Richmond a pedophile but rather she added to his personality the personality of a shy fourteen year old having her first crush. Mr. Richmond now feels like he wants to be with Eddie but is too shy to ask him. Eddie now makes Mr. Richmond's heart go pitter-pat but he knows they can never truly be together. So instead, he'll write notes to him and send cards and presents (not the presents an adult would send, but those that a girl on an allowance would send.) Mr. Richmond will even hand the notes to Eddie himself sometimes, saying that someone left them in his mailbox or some other excuse. Joanny thought that hopefully Eddie would never find out who his secret admirer is. She also wondered what would happen if Mr. Richmond's wife found out that he had a crush on Eddie.

Joanny thought that why should Mr. Richmond have all the fun, so Joanny decided that the five students in the first row of the class should develop a crush like Mr. Richmond's for the students sitting behind them. Joanny didn't care whether the students were of the same sex or different. She didn't even look into their minds to see if any of them were already dating someone. She didn't care. Love was now in the air and it amused her. Three of the five couples were of different sexes, the other two weren't as lucky. Joanny didn't change the sexuality of any of the students to conform with their new crushes. She thought it would be more fun this way.

Dr. Zaaijer was sitting in the back of the class unobserved loved the wonderfully evil things that Joanny was doing.

Between classes, Joanny was walking through the hall with scores of other students. She saw Mrs. Koen who had her usual disappointed smirk on her face. Mrs. Koen always wore a dress or a nice blouse with a pretty skirt and thought that all girls shouldn't dress like boys. She hated that most of the girls wore T-shirts and jeans. Especially girls like Joanny who didn't even try and wear more feminine looking jeans and shirts. Joanny sort of knew what Mrs. Koen thought, but now Joanny could look right into her mind and confirm this fact. Joanny thought that her style was just as good as Mrs. Koen style and Mrs. Koen should mind her business.

Joanny decided to make some changes to Mrs. Koen. The first thing she did was make Mrs. Koen want to start wearing diapers and to always use the diapers as they are intended to be used. Joanny snickered to herself, thinking that tomorrow Mrs. Koen would be wearing diapers. But then Joanny realized that just because she was wearing diapers doesn't mean anyone would notice. So next she looked into Mrs. Koen's mind to see if anyone in her class was into goth. There was several students in her class that was a goth devotee. Joanny gave Mrs. Koen the same style sense as a fifteen year old goth student in one of her classes. Mrs. Koen is a religious woman. That was one of the reasons she thought that girls should dress only like girls. So Joanny made Mrs. Koen need to be spanked from time to time to atone for her sins. Joanny thought this would be a good fit with her desires to always wear diapers. To encourage Mrs. Koen's need for her spankings, Joanny gave her some impure thoughts about some of her students. Mrs. Koen would never act on these feelings but she wouldn't feel better until she had her spanking.

Joanny made sure to contact both the school administration and Mrs. Koen's husband so she wouldn't lose her job nor have problems with her marriage now that Mrs. Koen has a new style. Joanny also hoped that tomorrow Mrs. Koen's smirks would be gone as she stood wearing all black, including her nails, lipstick and hair (the only thing she would be wearing that wasn't black would be her sopping wet diaper.) She probably wouldn't because she would be worrying about needing a spanking when she got home after wondering about how big the penis was of one her 14-year- old students.

While walking down the hall on her way to her next class Joanny saw Keith. Keith has been bothering Joanny since they first met in fourth grade. There wasn't any reason for him to still be doing this, but it has been going on so long it's really more force of habit than any real dislike for Joanny. Joanny decided to send Keith back to fourth grade to get rid of him. She erase all the school learning from Keith's mind. Then she sent him down to the records office to take his records with him. Joanny phoned the records office to have his grades changed. By the time Keith picked up his records, it showed that he had had been left back several times so that now he is still in fourth grade. Keith is Joanny's age, fifteen, so he could walk alone to the local grammar school even though he is now only in fourth grade. Once he arrived at the grammar school, Keith was sent to his new class and he started to learn normally as he did the first time. By the time he was back in high school in five years, Joanny would have long since graduated.

Joanny spent extra time in the hallway looking for ideas. She heard one of the boys complaining to his friend that his mother treated him like a child. She won't let him see a superhero movie he liked because it had an 'R' rating. Joanny thought that the boy didn't know what being treated like a child really meant, but he would find out. When Joanny visited the administration for Mrs. Koen, she got a complete list of the students and their addresses from the people there. She wanted to visit the homes of some of the students and talk to their parents.

Every school has a bully and a class slut and this school is no exception. In this case the class bully is Charles. Ever since his growth spurt in middle school he has been picking on the smaller and weaker kids. Beating up kids makes him feel good because he doesn't think he has much else going for him.

Kelly, the school slut, has a similar problem. She doesn't feel loved so she uses her body to convince herself that someone loves her. She is short, pretty and uses too much makeup. She wears clothes that stretch what is appropriate for the school to the breaking point. Sometimes she was actually sent home to change into something more appropriate.

As school let out a wide variety of people were all leaving together and by happenstance Joanny saw both Charles and Kelly near each other. Joanny then decided that at midnight Charles and Kelly would switch personalities. Joanny wondered what would happen to them at school tomorrow. It should be fun to watch, but Joanny didn't think she would be at school in the coming day. She was heading home and she wanted to make some changes there. She was surprisingly quiet all day in her classes because she was thinking of her family and what she thought needed to be done.

On the way home, instead of walking directly there Joanny decided to stop off at the boy who said his mom treated him like a child. Joanny thought that if he thought that way, he should have the complete treatment. When she found the boy's mother, she put into her mind that she would always treat her son like he was a kindergartner It didn't matter that the boy was in fact fifteen, she would treat him like he was five. This meant that he would be under adult supervision at all times. Today would be the last time that that boy would be allowed to walk home from school. His mother would either pick him up or send someone. The boy not only wouldn't be allowed to watch 'R' rated movies, he wouldn't be allowed to see most 'PG' rated movies either. The channels on his TV would be restricted and the NetNanny setting on his computer would be raised. That was just the tip of the ice berg of all the restrictions the boy would find in his life.

This was fun, Joanny thought. Dr. Zaaijer thought it was delicious too. But Joanny was so full of power she wanted to make other changes. She found the house of another boy. This time, she would make changes the boy's mother Mrs. Trajillo, act in a way that would embarrass the boy. The mother would find that kissing her son with a mouth open on the lips kiss was perfectly acceptable. She would even stick in her tongue on occasion. But that wasn't all, she liked to hug and touch her boy. Especially on the rear, giving it a soft squeeze too. She also didn't find anything wrong with fondling her son's penis when the mood hit her. She would do so, without caring if anyone was looking, especially her son's friends. Mrs. Trajillo would find that expressing her love for her son was the same as she expressed her love for her husband and she didn't care if anyone knew it. What went on in the bedroom was a private matter, but hugs, kisses and closeness were perfectly fine with her.

The mother of the next boy, Ms. Harding was divorced. Joanny changed her sexual desires from the men she liked to any boy that her son thought was a friend. Joanny looking into her mind. She started to change her opinion slowly. Ms. Harding started to think about her son's friends. She thought they were a fine group of boys. But then she thought that they weren't just a fine group of boys, they were good looking too. She then thought they were handsome, much better than some of the men she had known. She started to think that older men are somewhat apish But these young men are gorgeous. They aren't only gorgeous they are sensual in a way that older men can't be. Older men are stuck in these macho notions, but younger boys can be shown the proper way to treat a woman. That makes them attractive. They are just so sensual which makes them so sexy. Their skin is still soft, so easy to hug. The thought gave her sexual chills. She wanted to touch them, to hold them to be with them to show them the way. Joanny removed every taboo that Ms. Harding has about having a relationship with a boy of her son's age. With that gone, Ms. Harding thoughts turned to having a sexual relationship with her son's friends. Joanny then removed any problem Ms. Harding might have about pursuing her son's friends. She would flirt with them when they were around. She would make excuses to be with them. She might dress more provocatively when her son's friends are around or change her clothes after they arrive.

She would first see the boy as good looking, then handsome, then sensual, then sexy and finally sexually attractive. She would dress provocatively around her son's friends and find excuses to be around the boys. She would flirt openly with them. If one thing led to another, she wouldn't have any problems with it.

In the final house, before returning home, she found a mother Mrs. Colby, like most bought clothes for her son. Mrs. Colby didn't like the way her son dressed. She wanted him to wear nicer things. Joanny decided to help her out. Since Mrs. Colby had a growing boy who needed to buy new clothes constantly, she would only purchase clothes for her son that came from the juniors or womens department. Joanny made sure that the boy's mother never bought any unisexed clothing. If the boy complained and he surely would, the mother would tell him to buy his own clothing from now on with his own money. Joanny would have to visit this house again to make sure the boy's father would support his wife's decisions.

On the way home, Joanny realized that she was only bothering the boys. So when she saw Laurel a girl from her school she decided to have some fun. Suddenly, Lauren remembered a time, she couldn't place exactly when, when she had run out of panties. She went into her brother's room and into his drawers and found a pair of his briefs. She took them into her room and put them on. She found them very comfortable. The top band was extra long so the brief would stay up. The material was thicker than her panties so she thought that it was more comfortable. She remembered wearing it all day and when she was done she put the worn brief back into her brother's drawer. She folded it nicely so no one would know it had already been worn.

Thinking back to that time, Lauren decided that she would wear her brother's brief instead of her panties because they were so much more comfortable. Starting as soon as she got home, she would sneak into her brother's room and get a brief to wear. She would wear it all day and when she was done, she would return it to the drawer that she got it from. She knew her brother wore his briefs for more than one day, so what difference did it make.

Joanny removed any embarrassment that Lauren would have. She didn't care if any of her friends knew she wore her brother's briefs.

Joanny moved on, but she started thinking about men's briefs. She knew that men liked to go on pantie raids, so why not women? When she happened by a young woman who was college age or a little older, Joanny put into the woman's mind that she liked to collect men's briefs. She would start her collection by stealing any man's brief (not from a store but from men) that she could get her hands on. It didn't matter if she stole them form a washing machine, or from the drawers (or in some cases the floors) of men. If she could get a hold of them, she would.

Joanny arrived home and phoned her mother, Maria at work. When Maria came to the phone, Joanny told her what to do. It's true that Joanny could just put what she wanted into her Mother's head, but there was a certain satisfaction in telling her how things would be.

"Hello Mom, this is Joanny."

"What is it dear?" Maria said worrying that something was wrong since Joanny rarely called her at work.

"Mom, I want you to quit your job right after you get off the phone and tell them you have gotten a better job."

Joanny's wants went straight into her Mother's head. Maria was going to do what Joanny asked, even though she didn't even know what this new job was.

"You will be working for me from now on," Joanny continued. "Your new job is as a maid, cook and nanny. This new job makes you very happy. It is something you always wanted to do."

"You are right, ever since I was a little girl, that is what I wanted to do. Working for you will even make the job better."

"Since you are working for me now, I will call you Maria from now on and you are to call me Miss Joanny."

"Yes Miss Joanny."

"Now before you get home, you will need to buy a few things."

"Yes Miss Joanny."

"You will need a proper maid uniform for yourself so go and get at least three in your size. Make sure they are very professional looking and comfortable for you."

"Yes Miss Joanny."

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